An Ultimate Change of Address Checklist (2023 Update)

An Ultimate Change of Address Checklist (2023 Update)

Are you in search of the most perfect change of address checklist?

Well, you are not alone. There are hundreds of people who search for a complete guide to changing their postal address but unfortunately, the resources available online do not cut it.

We know how stressful the whole process of changing postal addresses can be.

Therefore, we made sure we create a complete change of address checklist that you can refer to and track your progress.

This online resource will help you execute a stress-free house move. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get into it!

Table of Content

  1. Compile Addresses of Organization That Send You Mail
  2. Declutter to Keep Things Simple
  3. Refer to Our Change of Address Checklist
  4. Prioritize the Checklist
  5. Keep Application Receipts of Change of Address

Compile Addresses of Organizations That Send You Mail

The best way to begin any change of address is by compiling a list of all the important mails that one receives on a regular basis.

This can be done easily. If you are confused about how to accomplish this task, then three months prior to moving, make sure you keep an eye on the mails you receive.

You can write the names of the organizations that are sending you the mails and have an address list handy at all times.

The only reason why we suggest a three-month window is that most organizations send out mail on a quarterly basis.

Declutter to Keep Things Simple

There’s no point in running after organizations that send mails you never read or don’t even want in the first place.

These can be mails from any fashion outlet or any company that sends their product catalogues to their customers.

You need to declutter before you get to that change of address checklist. This is important if you want to save your energy and time for other more important stuff.

Look at it this way – you can use this opportunity to sort through your mail and remove yourself from mailing lists that are irrelevant to your interests.

Make sure you unsubscribe to the electronic bill and catalogues that are sent every month. Not just that, this might be your chance to help the environment by reducing the use of paper!

Refer to Our Change of Address Checklist

Now you have your own list of important mails and organizations that you need to contact to update your mailing address. It’s time you match them with our ‘Change of Address Checklist’.

  1. Australia Post
  2. Australia Electoral Commission
  3. Australian Taxation Office
  4. Concession Cards
  5. Driver Licence
  6. Library
  7. Medicare
  8. Child Support Agency
  9. Local Council
  10. Seniors Card
  11. School/University
  12. Veteran’s Affairs
  13. Accountant
  14. After School Care
  15. Banks/Credit Unions
  16. Cemeteries
  17. Charities
  18. Clubs
  19. Childcare
  20. Dentist
  21. Doctor
  22. Electricity
  23. Employers
  24. Family and Friends
  25. Financial Advisor
  26. Gas
  27. Gym
  28. Health Professionals
  29. Home Phone
  30. Insurance Companies
  31. Internet Service Providers
  32. Legal Representatives
  33. Loyalty Programs
  34. Mobile Phone
  35. Newspapers and Magazines
  36. Real Estate Agent
  37. Television Connection
  38. Telephone Connection
  39. Security Systems
  40. Toll Tags
  41. Water/Sewerage Connection

Prioritize the Checklist

You need to be smart here. We don’t know how much time you have in hand. But, there are certain categories that we have mentioned which can be approached for an address change later on as well.

Let’s say, your utility bills. These are sent on a quarterly basis and therefore, you can notify the utility providers later on when your moving date comes closer.

Organizations like the Australian Taxation Office and the Electoral Roll Commission send mail less frequently, right?

We recommend you to get your address changed with these organizations first. Then there are many organizations that allow people to change their address through their websites.

They usually have an online form that one can fill up and submit to get their postal address changed.

Keep Application Receipts of Change of Address

Now, you have a prioritized list of organizations you need to contact to change your address.

But, while you are out there completing the obligations for an address change, you should make sure you ask for a receipt or any kind of written confirmation.

When you receive a receipt from the organization, you will have proof that you have contacted the organization for an address change and have satisfied all the requirements to push the process forward.

If you don’t present a written confirmation to the authorities when they ask for your information, you might run into trouble and might also have to pay a hefty fine.

It’s time we answer some of the most asked questions by people who are planning to change their address in the near future.

Wrapping Up

Change of address does take time. But, it is a very important part of moving one house to another and therefore should be well-planned.

We highly recommend you to take a screenshot of the change of address checklist so that you always have it in your phone or laptop. Happy moving!

General Questions Answered By Our Experts

  1. Who do I need to notify when I change my address?

When you need to change your address, you should always notify the post office, the tax agencies, the social security administrations, gas/water/electric providers, phone/cable/internet providers, insurance and loan providers, your employer, bank/credit card company, online shopping sites, friends and family.

  1. Can you change your address before you move?

Yes, you can change your address before moving or right after moving into the new house. One should always try applying for an address change before moving so that all the important mails are received at the right house. You will need to plan out the entire address change process and might even have to do a bit of travelling. Therefore, you should always plan this thing out.

  1. What happens if I don’t change the address on my driver licence?

You will be fined if you don’t notify the right authorities when it comes to changing the address on your driver licence. Drivers are required by law to notify any change of personal information to the right authorities. If they fail to comply, they will receive a fine.

  1. Do I need to change the address on my Australian passport?

Yes, you are required to notify the Australian immigration services about the change of address as soon as possible. You can do that online through the ImmiAccount or complete and submit a Form929. You can send the request for address change in writing as well.

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